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About Me

You possibly got here, because the short decription text was not enough for you.
I'm a quarter century old student of international business administration in Germany, because I always wanted to leave this country for other cultures, languages, experiences.

I love running around with my camera (not a DSLR... yet. But my dad has a beautiful EOS 600D, which he lends me every now and then!), travelling trough Italy, collecting nailpolishes, trying on new pretty shoes, chilling out to the sounds of Café del Mar samplers, watching football and tennis matches, eating sushi and Italian food (melon icecream!!!), sample trying all new perfumes in the stores, going on shopping trips, exploring new places, going to classical art galleries, collecting keepsakes, watching anime and Big Bang Theory, drinking cocktails, riding rollercoasters... I could go on forever!

I also have a tumblr for random updates and picture blogging:

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my hairy co-blogger Sam - a white Exotic Shorthair. He never misses out a chance to "decorate" my clothes with his special "accessories":

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